Saturday, September 4, 2010

“Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.” -Bertrand Russell

It's not something that I have ever talked to about anyone, nor heard anyone ever talk about, but it is something that my mind wonder to sometimes.
I don't pay much attention to religion, but I am LDS and the school that I go to is Seventh Day Adventist.
I took sex education in 8th grade, and we talked about purity, abstinance, modesty, and things like that.
But then I see all these seventh day adventist girls going around in tiny bikinis and booty shorts. And I'm like, "HUH?? Am I missing something here??"
I don't know anything of the history of their church, but if it existed way back in the day, I can practically gurantee that they would NOT be wearing that kind of stuff- back when that was still frowned upon.
And why is this??
Because they have ADAPTED TO THE MODERN DAY.
Now, I'm not trying to put down this religion; I know some really good people that are seventh day adventist'. I know spend alot of time with them at school and it is something that I have noticed.
Now, the LDS religion (mormons), the one that I am a apart of, is another in which I occasionally notice adaption. For some reason I can't think of any of my observations at the moment so that kind of blows, but trust me! There are things!

I have to say that this really irritates me. If we keep adapting religion to the newest trends then soon enough it will be nothing but man made crap. Now, the adaption grows slowly, so I dont think people acutally notice. So in my opinion it will take years and years and years and years for it to REALLY become corrupt, but sometimes it seems that were headed that way.

"...reason and science..." I don't have much to say on how this affects religion. Not because I dont have thoughts, but because I dont know how to put them into words. Were always looking for answers; always looking to prove something wrong. And science seems to get in the way of alot of peoples beleifs because it doesn't seem plausible. I don't blame them I guess, faith is hard.
What it really all comes down to is faith.

My opinionsim (?) isn't fully formed, so it might not make much sense, but it's just a thought that I have that I remembered suddenly after reading this wonderful quote.

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