Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ignorance vs. Reality

It's true that IGNORANCE IS BLISS.

When someone leaves us in the dark, we become furious that something is being witheld from us. It doesn't matter if the person tells us that it is better this way, because we acquire this hunger for knowledge and this thirst for truth.
And sometimes...after a time has passed from the moment we found out this particular thing...we long to go back to a time where your mind was clouded with ignorance and you didn't have all of these things to worry about; to just think about.
I know that there are lots of things that I could probably do without knowing. And yet I still want to be aware. I want to live in reality, and yet I want the reality to be different.

Ignorance is bliss, but reaility is real. And sometimes I long for the quiet solitude of ignorance, and other times I hunger for the harsh reality of the world. It's like bipolar.
We want so many things and we are hardly every satisfied.

Phew, I am saying alot of things, and I don't really know where I am going with this...
I guess there's always gonna be some internal strugge of ignorance vs. reaility when we start to reach the second one.

I don't know. It might be different for different people.

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