Friday, September 10, 2010

The Freedom Writers Diary

Awhile back I watched a movie called The Freedom Writers, and just yesterday I found the book at the library. It is a touching and personal book of real diary entrees written by students in a remedial english class.

Mrs. Erin Gruwell was assigned the task of teaching this class at a gang-infested school in Long beach where different minorities fight and "undeclared war." Mrs. G assigns the kids to write in a diary about their past present and future. All of these kids have been abused in some way- sexual, mental, physical- and find their new english class to be a sanctuary where they eventually learn to love each other for whom they are; a place where they are not judged. Mrs. G focuses of assigning books about people that these kids can relate to. After reading Diary of Anne Frank, they get Miep Lies- the woman who helped hide Anne and her family- come to their school and actually get to meet her. After that, they get another girl- whos name I cant recall at the moment- who write a book about her living in her basement through the war in Bosnia.

Sorry for the crappy description. And I havent even finished the book yet- I'm about halfway through. But I highly recomend this book and this movie (although there are alot of things in the book that dont fit in the movie). I have started another book and have another on the way from amazon so I will have two more (hopefully better written) book reviews hopefully soon! I've always had an interest in book about hardships, addictions and such, but suddenly I am REALLY into them!

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