Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Trust can take years to build, but only a second to break

I've never been the kind of person that tells people secrets easily. Like I kind of have trust issues. There's only one person on this earth who knows pretty much everything about me.
Just one.
She's not family and we've never even hung out outside of school before.
Sometimes it's strange, isn't it? The people we decide to trust with our hearts.
Just one night me and my friend were talking till the AM and things just starting spilling out. And we are like completely different people so it was not exactly expected.
The morning after this happened I woke up and immediately thought: "Oh holy CRAP what have I done?"
Like, I had regreted the whole thing.
And I have since then a couple of times too.
But in the long run, I would never take back what I told them.
Cause everyone needs that person yah know? That one person that they can vent to.
Well, most people probably have more than one, but I think that I am lucky to trust just one person.
See, cause I have trust issues remember?

It's an odd thing how I have a suppermega hard time trusting people, and yet people feel that they can tell me things. I mean, I have a couple of friends who tell me things that they tell practically no one else.
But I'm proud of this. I love that people trust me enough to tell me things that they so badly want to tell others but are afraid to.

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