Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Seriously, Costa Rica can not come soon enough. I HATE this. I hate stupid flippin' schoool. 4 weeks off in paradise. yap. thats what i need.
and i also get to get groped multiple times at the airport, probably. so that should be fun.

anyhoo just sitting at school not doing pe cause pe is stupid.
should be doing hw but naaah ill just make a pointless blog post instead.

arent u glad that i am?
i sure am

but yhaahh ive been to costa rica before for a ten day mission trip and it is so amazing. beautiful. interesting. nice. extraordinary. it is just greatly fantsatic a matter-o-fact. and i wanna get hit by some waves, collect shells along the shore, relax in the 100 degree weather on a sandy beach. eat rice and beans and veggies and see geckos and igunas and MONKEYS! oh, the monkeys :) i just really cited bout them.
im changing the word excited to cited. its better.

and i wanna go on walks through the rainforest and cloud forest. i wanna just sleep in a bed that isnt mine and smile cause im actually happy.

oh! and the hots springs are delicious. like..that was weird. but they are fantastic. im cited bout tem as well. the one i went to last time is in a place called Baldi.
i like that name :)

not a great picture (google) but this was my favorite. so nice

i googled

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