Tuesday, October 5, 2010

im tired of this freaking fatigue

fatigue? yah thats an okay word for this feeling i guess. im just not intersted in anything lately. i mean, i was never really big on doing hw, but now i cant get myself to do any of it. also, i can hardly get myself to write anything- and ive always had trouble getting it out, but never ever like this. i hate it. i have no interest in anything at allllll. not at all! i cant do anything anything anything ever ever ever ever now.
i just dont know what to do.
you know how when youre feeling down or depressed or sumthing, u think of those things that you beleive that ifyou had everything would be okay? like for some people it would be a boyfriend, girlfried, good looks, talent...something. well, even when i think of my things ( wutever idc if it makes no sense, no one reads this) i dont feel the interest in them that i used to. i dont feel the longing.
I dont have the want to live and i dont have the want to die.

what else is there to do?

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